Gel Nails
Gel Nails
Price will vary depending on technician & nail requirements. Arts, glitters & chromes have a surcharge. If you would like some nail art, please ensure you 'add' the nail art option when you make your online booking to ensure our technician has enough time to complete the art.
Gel lasts anything from 7-21 days unlike any normal nail varnish
Benefits include no chipping, no damage to the natural nail, long lasting polish and shine. Helps the natural nail grow stronger.
We do not remove hard gels or extensions on nails that were not done by ourselves. Please ensure you come with bare nails if it is your 1st appointment with us as we like to assess the condition of your natural nail to advise the best treatment for your nails according to their health.
The treatment will start with a cuticle tidy, then working with your natural nails we can file and shape to your desired look as much as we can. We have an extensive range of colours for you to choose from.
You will be given the necessary aftercare advice to take away with you at your appointment.